Friday, March 27, 2009


this is a sweet website for the Golconde dormitories

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Henna on Wednesday!!!

We'll be doing a henna demonstration on Wednesday in class. If you want a specific design, make sure to bring the pattern (if there is one).

Saturday, February 21, 2009

GIS Data

Here's the best site I was able to find with India GIS data. You don't actually have to buy any of the data, you can download each piece individually after creating a (free) account.

They have Digital Terrain Elevations at Level 0 (so it's pretty low-res) as well as some other standard data sets.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Two more links

Check out the Center for Disease Control for even more information on vaccines, warnings, and other information on medical problems/advice in India.

If you are interested in getting immunized - do it FAST! Contact Gannett Health Services (255-5155) or, if you have access to a vehicle, check out Arnot Ogden Medical Center (607-737-4539) in Elmira.

Monday, February 16, 2009

More important links

A few more important links you must see:

First, Cornell University's International Travel page. It has all kinds of information on tips and resources for our upcoming trip.

Second, Cornell's International SOS. It is MANDATORY that you look and sign in to this site (use your NetID). International SOS is a private company that gives Cornell affiliates international emergency assistance 24 hours a day. The site has information on vaccines, food and water warnings, security warnings, and general advice. (Check out the dropdown areas on the right, under Medical Tools.) Also, it gives you a place to insert your specific medical needs, in case they are needed. Finally, it offers free insurance for Cornell students, if you don't already have it. CHECK THIS OUT.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Important India links

Here are a few links that you should investigate:

First, the US Department of State travel information for India. This will give up to date information on US - India relations, major travel warnings, areas of instability, emergency medical information, and entry/exit requirements. This will probably need to be shared with your parents, as well, so take note.

Second, the Embassy of India in Washington DC. This site has all the information you will need on visa information, Indian tourism, information on Indian culture and government, and numerous links.

Third, the United States Consulate in Chennai, India. It has information for US Travelers in Chennai, including emergency contact numbers (which we will collect before we go), public announcements, and travel cautions.

Fourth, if you do not have health insurance that covers international travel, you will probably want a International Student Identity Card (ISIC). This will cover you for "basic sickness and accident travel insurance." (If you have your student insurance through Cornell University, you have international travel coverage.)

Finally, the Indian rupee is generally worth about $0.02 (two cents). In other terms, one US dollar is worth 48 rupees. Check current rates here: US Dollar - Indian Rupee exchange rates.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

The beginning...

Welcome to Pondiblog - the collection of ideas, thoughts, and experiences for LA 302s trip to Pondicherry, India. Here we will attempt to:
  • Share useful information on the trip
  • Post links to important resources and sites
  • Post images of cultural icons & important landscapes
  • Vent about frustrations and anxieties
  • Suggest new options and ideas for the studio and trip
Please post all material you find about the trip, as it will undoubtedly help all of us in the long run. Also, feel free to send a link to this site to parents, friends, relatives, teachers, etc., as this should give them a better understanding of how we're preparing and hopefully, what we're doing while in India.